back flow testing

Backflow testing is the key to protecting the clean water supply, and our technicians perform a mandatory annual backflow test as required by the state of Iowa.

(515) 689 1626


Backflow testing is the key to protecting the clean water supply and is required on an annual basis. We have trained and licensed technicians able to perform backflow testing.

At Turner Irrigation, we inspect and test the backflow prevention device and slowly pressurize the system to avoid any pipe damage that could happen from water surges. We also visually inspect backflow connections and reseal any leaks related to any loose fittings.

During the tasks involved with spring startup, we test your system and put everything in place for it to begin working properly for the year.



If your backflow cover is in need of replacement or your backflow test is not passed, our technicians can make the necessary changes, repairs, or replacements to make sure you meet all state requirements.

We are able to complete all the paperwork necessary after the backflow testing is completed. Once your backflow test has been done, we will submit your test results to the proper authorities.



We visually inspect backflow connections and reseal any leaks related to any loose fittings.



Testing the backflow prevention device to avoid any pipe damage that could happen from water surges.



We make the necessary changes, repairs, or replacements to make sure you meet all state requirements.



Once your backflow test has been done, we will mail and fax your test results to the city for your convenience.


(515) 689-1626


802 E 23rd Ct
Des Moines, IA 50317